“Things With Faces” Facebook Group’s Members Are Seeing Faces Literally Everywhere

Nearly all of us have been there – you see a familiar smile in the clouds, spot a dog’s face in the grain of a wooden wall, or see a creepy face peering at you from the shadows. No, you’re not hallucinating – you just experienced a wonderfully interesting phenomenon that’s called pareidolia. In short, it is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none. There’s nothing you can do about it, it’s just how human brain is built. Might as well stop resisting and join the Things With Faces Facebook group and share your findings with the world. Scroll down for the funniest examples!

Do you see a face in this picture?

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Eyebombing Community Puts Googly Eyes On Everything

What is one thing on this planet that can make anything better? According to members of r/Eyebombing subreddit, googly eyes is the correct answer. Eyebombing is a humorous trend of sticking googly eyes on random objects to essentially make them come to life. If you wish to get involved into this movement, you can get googly eyes cheaply on Amazon. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

Googly eyes make everything better!

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Funny Stuff From Our Friends

Ridiculous Products No One Asked For – Check out Matt Benedetto, a product designer from Burlington, Vermont, and his twistedly useless inventions!

Funny Before / After Photos of Cute Girls – These girls post hilarious “before and after” photos of themselves that show polished Instagram-worthy poses followed by the ugliest faces they can make.

Bath Toy For People Who Like Childish Humor – This little yellow fellow may look like an ordinary rubber duck on the surface, but like real-life ducks there’s much more going on beneath the surface than you might expect.

The Funniest Headlines of 2022 – This year is coming to a close, and it’s nearly impossible to remember the craziest headlines and news stories that happened this year, but Twitter user Paul Fairie has.

Man Releases Wild Bird With Unexpected Outcome – It started as such a heartwarming video. Also, birds are dumb.

Genius Life Hacks That Were Discovered by Lazy People – Why would you work hard when you could work smart? Or not at all.

20 Hiking Memes That Are Just Too True – If you like to go hiking or are considering to start doing it as a hoppy, you may want to take a look at these.

The 6 Funniest Cat Videos of All Time – You have to admit there isn’t anything much better in life than a funny cat video.

Willy Warmer For Harsh Winters – The weather might get chilly, but there’s no need for you to suffer with a chilly willy.

Brilliant Tweets Making Fun of Flat Earth Believers – The internet is unmatched when it comes to making fun of absurd ideas, so here’s a list of the best flat-earther roasting examples.

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Rocks With Zipper Teeth: Better Than Garden Gnomes

The once popular garden gnome is at risk of dying out as people ditch the tacky ornament for more sophisticated garden decorations. The whole point of gardening is to create something that is pleasing to the eye and the soul. Garden gnomes clearly can not provide that. That’s where rocks with zipper teeth come in. These garden decors are handmade, each one is unique, and they are definitely an improvement over dumb gnome with an idiotic smile.

Rocks with zipper teeth.

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Funny And Clever Street Art by Tom Bob

American artist Tom Bob is in no shortage of graffiti supplies and is running loose in the streets of New York… Let’s hope nobody catches him because his creations are really awesome. Using street “furniture” like electrical terminals or poles, Tom creates colorful and whimsical pieces that perfectly interact with their surroundings. From turning a sewer into a frying pan, to transforming gas meters into lobsters, he’s is making the city a much happier place for everybody. Scroll down to see the best examples of Tom’s work!

Awesome street art by Tom Bob.

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Dogs Enjoying Windy Car Rides

Dogs usually have two reactions when they are brought to the car. They either get scared and refuse to get inside because they believe they’re going to the vet. Or they’re so excited and jump in before you because they’re going somewhere fun. These dogs knew they were going somewhere exciting and they enjoyed every minute of it… while looking like Chewbacca in a wind tunnel.

Dogs vs. wind.

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These People Failed To Send Dog Photos To “We Rate Dogs” Twitter

@WeRateDogs is a Twitter account that does exactly what it says. It rates dogs. And it’s hilarious and adorable at the same time. All you have to do is send them a picture of your dog and they’ll give it a score from one to ten. The only problem is, some people seem to be sending them pictures of things that clearly aren’t dogs! See the funniest examples below!

This... is a Tyrannosaurus rex. We only rate dogs. Please only send in dogs. Thank you ...10/10

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