2023 Cat Shaming Calendar Is Finally Here!

We are not sure cats are capable of feeling shame, but the new year is approaching rapidly so 2023 Cat Shaming Calendar might be your last chance to put something hilarious on your wall. Scroll down to see the funniest examples of #CatShaming trend that’s still going strong on Instagram to get a little taste of what you can expect from this calendar!

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.


Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

Cat shaming.

If you feel like cat hall of shame is something you’d like to look at for a whole year, you can get this calendar on Amazon. Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

6 thoughts on “2023 Cat Shaming Calendar Is Finally Here!”

  1. “If my daddy uses ‘Cool Mint Listerine,’ I come racing from the far corner of the apartment and try to bite the inside of his mouth.”

    “I make the suckling motion of a nursing kitten on my daddy’s neck, despite being three years old.”

    “I once ate an entire raw potato.”

    “My daddy can’t eat Sarah Lee pound cake anymore because I just steal it off his plate and run to the corner and wolf it down.”

    “I like to roll and wallow on my back in an un-scooped litter box.”

    “I once bit my daddy so badly that he had to go on antibiotics.”

    “We have nine water bowls in this house and I will only drink out of the just-refilled humidifier. My daddy has to empty it twice a day so I can get some water.”

    “I once crawled under my daddy’s blankets at 2:30AM and bit him in the one place that nobody wants to get bitten.”

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