Why Correct Spelling Is Important: Christmas Edition

Who would have thought that “wrapping” is such a complicated word to spell correctly? It turns out that countless presents are violated each year by Twitter users in horrible, violent manner. Scroll down to see for yourself!

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

Oh gosh oh gosh...

Why proper spelling is important.

Merry christtmas to you and yours.

Why proper spelling is important.

Why proper spelling is important.

so damn tired...

a month till Christmas!!!

Why proper spelling is important.

6 thoughts on “Why Correct Spelling Is Important: Christmas Edition”

  1. Yeah, I think I got the joke after the first one or two. Amusing, but not funny enough to repeat 30 times.


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