Awkward Vintage Christian Music Album Covers

You know what they say: “The higher the hair, the closer to God”. But seriously: what’s up with the outlandish haircuts, creepy references to touching, and eerie ventriloquist dummies? Scroll down to see the weirdest Christian music album covers we could find!

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.


Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

Awkward vintage Christian music album cover.

11 thoughts on “Awkward Vintage Christian Music Album Covers”

  1. Those are awesome. Sadly, they’re no nuttier than some of the “self-published” books available on Amazon right now.

  2. The “Satan is Real” album cover would make an awesome poster.

    Re: the last album in the list, is that a bomb/missile?

    Finally, many of those Christians have quite the fascination with puppets – quite the metaphor there.

  3. I am not sure which disturbed me most: the amount of times I just read “he touched me” or the number of ventriloquist dummies!

  4. On that Don’t Pity Me one, someone’s gonna have to declare their pronouns, cuz it’s unclear.

  5. I’m not sure if this site will let me post link, but google “the faith tones”, it’s an interesting mystery

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