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RSS Channel: Comments on: The Funniest Tweets About Introverts (Part 2)

By: El Dee
None of them sound introverted, this is all normal. Being an extrovert is weird and annoying tho..

By: introverted @sshole
ah yes, my friendship circle is also.. just a dot......... and i couldn't be happier :')

When extroverts ask your opinion or you attempt to make a point, inevitably you are interrupted and the conversation takes a different course.

By: yosay
beautiful all of you...introverts the only people to know...like the one and relate to "i used to be an extrovert"

By: Anonymous
I cut my own hair so I don't have to converse with the person holding scissors.

By: Anonymous
The one about the fender bender was my favorite. I dread the day someone hits my truck and I have to pretend I know how to handle the situation. Or, you know, just drive away like it never happened.

By: Kit
I was an introvert, but then became a Vegan. The two aren't compatible ??

By: @ sad
Me too. Always taught I would die first in an apocalypse. Pretty sure now I will be the last man on earth.

By: sad
The quarantine one is spot-on. Really miss those days.

By: Anonymous
I think I used to be an extrovert. But it seems that growing older means most of all developing awareness to how annoying other people are and even worse, self awareness to how annoying I am.