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RSS Channel: Comments on: Women On Instagram Are Choosing Not To Shave For Januhairy

By: Humphrey McClumpha
Just shows you how conditioned we are to women having to shave. A hundred years ago most women wouldn't have and now it's even spreading to men. We want everyone to be hairless for some reason..

By: Anonymous
Alex, I guess some people just a real hair trigger reaction to the pics. yup, said it. not takin it back.

By: Doctor What
Men who are only attracted to hairless girls should be hanging with Jeffrey Epstein. Gosh, that really did not come out the way it was supposed to...

By: Gibbon
If girl prefers to look like male owner of Turkish bazaar or present herself like monkey on Instagram, only thing you can do is walk past and don't give attention. Otherwise, other monkey might downvote you


By: I love pek pek
Some furries in the wild... who cares about it? As long as there aren't any foul odors emminating so what! Cuddle up she'll keep you warm during the winter months! If you don't like it leave it alone! Nobody is forcing you to accept it.

By: fine by me
My tongue gets a month long vacation.

By: Alex
To those people complaining: Chill out, nobody forced you to look at the pictures. It’s fascinating how hair can trigger such strong reactions (just because it’s women’s legs and not men’s). You don’t have to like it, but you don’t need to make people feel bad about their bodies either.

By: Name
Back in the olden days of "intolerance," people would just *be*. Now, the oddballs demand you celebrate their poor hygiene or freakish sexual choices as "brave." "Live and let live" also means leave me the hell alone and stop shoving your crap in my face.

By: Anonymous
It‘s amazing how many comments this item has triggered. It’s just hair. What’s the big deal? I haven’t shaved since I can remember myself and nobody seems to care. I remember my ex convinced me once to cut my hair down there. I felt so naked and vulnerable. It made it clear to me that I could never ask a woman to do such a thing.