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RSS Channel: Comments on: Babies That Look Like Middle-Aged Men

By: Me,ok?
This is kinda offensive to these babies ????

By: Anonymous
It is 2020.

By: Anonymous
I still think they is cute and adorable, even if they are impersonating grumpy old men

By: Anonymous

By: Joe's PROUD mama!
And even if somebody did tell us, or me anyway, I STILL WOULD'VE DONE IT! AND PROUDLY!! Sorry not sorry! (sorry I know I already commented but I just had to get that part in!) And for the record, my son is very handsome and doesn't slobber and isn't bald. He ever sees this I may b the slobbering, baldy!!

By: Joe's PROUD mama!
Some were def cuter than others!! My son was born looking like a cross between E.T. and an 80 yr old wrinkled and bald Bruce Willis, poor kid and he knew it wasn't petty bcuz he was trying to b very 'Hollywood badboy' only looking out of one half of one of his eyes like his cig smoke was bothering him and giving a very dried up middle finger for his birth pics! Every mom knows that even if we give birth to a cross between a slobbering komodo dragon and a wart hog and we would STILL enter that baby in the most beautiful baby contest bcuz nobody has the heart to tell us that we really shouldn't do that...! Am I right moms????

By: Anonymous
Ugly babies will be pretty when grown up.

By: Anonymous
Only a mother could love...

By: AnonyMouse
I have relatives that were definitely ugly as babies, but thankfully grew out of it.

By: Chris
Hey! I think these babies and some old men are cute; I just wish they smelled as good as these babies probably do!