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RSS Channel: Comments on: Funny And Relatable Tweets About Going To The Doctor

By: Anonymous
If they want to know if I'm pregnant then why not ask if there's any chance that I'm pregnant? I could've had my period 3-4 weeks ago and still be pregnant.

By: Flipper
Sounds like Anon was a Thalidomide baby.

By: NotWhoYouThink
To anon above, congratulations! You won this week’s Captain Obvious Award!

By: Also anonymous
I'm male. They still ask about the last menstrual period.

By: anon
They ask about your menstrual period in case you are knocked up and if they give you some medicine that god forbid is injurious to that precious precious fetus making it slither out - or god forbid you turn around and sue them for murder, in Texas, I guess.