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RSS Channel: Comments on: T-Rex Sketch Completed In a Way That Could Never Be Replicated by AI

By: Hughe Man B. Ing
I love 'em, only people can make true art from scratch from their own imagination. AI art has no imagination, it's just a copycat copyright infringement loophole tool that the laws haven't caught up with yet.

By: Jeff
Now ai will be able to do these types of images, but they're be more accurate and we will get a thousand more iterations and variations in the same time as it takes 1 person to draw one of these.

By: eppe
You want to win easy. There's no competitor's drawing here.

By: Kiloman49
The most hilarious thing is that you aren't competing against ai you are still competing against people just using ai. So not only can ai artists make something similar because they come from the same human imagination the results will just be a thousand times better. This test is kind of useless.

By: Also Anonymous
@Argurius - you have captured my favorite book of all a times ?

By: Anonymous
I love this creativity!